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Продам маркер

12 Сентябрь 2012 - 15:26:49

Маркер DLX Luxe новый. В комплекте с маркером идет Ствол, Две вставки, Заглушка, Зарядное устройство как для розетки так и для USB порта, Дополнительная батарея, рельса, Смазка, набор ключей и прокладок с виньтиками, Кейс,Набор ключей от Dye (Новый), Новый набор всех необходимых фриков,фиксатор на ствол для удобной раскрутки ствола в дождливую погоду, И футболка от РЛ.
Все новое. Маркер имеет все от версии 2.0 кроме накладок на глаза. Они фиксируются шестигранными батликами. А так софт и боди маркера вместе с болтовой идет от 2.0 версии


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2012 Spp Young Guns Series At Fox!

09 Февраль 2012 - 20:00:12

Собственно... Юношеская Лига Young Guns Series.
The 10th Annual SPLATTERZONE PAINTBALL Young Guns Series is almost here!
This will be a 6 event series. All events will be held at;
Fox Paintball
10389 Fox River Drive
Millington, Il 60537
(GPS use Newark Il 60541)
APRIL 29th
MAY 27th
JUNE 24th
JULY 29th
AUG 26th
SEPT 30th

We will be making several changes to this years event, most of them will benefit the players throughout the series. Here's some event info;
3 man Roster, 5 man teams (2 alternates if needed)
Ages 10-16 years old
Registration Fee- $90.00 per team, or, pay for 5, get the 6th event FREE! (Must be paid in advance or pay the $25 late fee). Registration forms are available on the SPP website.
HPA Air Fee- $10 per team. Must be paid the day of the event at the field. ($5 less per team this year)
Event Paint Only- $50. Paint must be purchased at the field the day of the event. ($5 per case less than last year)

The Team Registration fees went up $5 per player, but the paint prices and air fees were reduced making this better for the player. Fox PB, SPLATTERZONE, and the event Sponsors will be giving away another AWESOME prize package at the end of the season to the top 3 winners of the Series. SPP will issue trophies at every event (With 8+ teams), and Fox is putting together prizes for the winners at each event this year. GO FOX! (No guarantees at this time)

We will have a few more changes to the Rules and Regs before the first event in April. These will be posted on our website, and explained during the Team Meeting before each event.

Theres a lot more info regarding our Young Guns Series posted on our website, including the 2012 Registration Form. Registration fees must be paid to SPLATTERZONE by check, cash, or Credit Card. Paint and air fees must be paid to Fox on the day of the event.
Что насчет участия ?

Millenium Championship Paintball 2009

02 Февраль 2012 - 15:32:32

люди у кого есть эта игра и xbox давайте обменяемся аккаунтами по сети поиграем ))) а то даже америкосов на серверах нету :sorry:

пейнтбольные мемы и комискы.

25 Январь 2012 - 18:19:54

ВСем кто есть в вк. Создана страница пейнтбольных мемов и комисков.

вступайте. Сочиняйте свои мемы и рисуйте комискы. Лучшие работы будут опубликовываться на странницу

Яндекс цитирования

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