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Регистрация: 24 июл 2011
Offline Активность: июл 27 2011 19:38:00

Coming To Russia

24 Июль 2011 - 11:25:20

Privet everyone i,m coming to russia this thursday!, my grandpa lives in Tver because i play paintball in Holland i woul really like to play some ball in Tver. i,m staying 1 week in Tver and 2 weeks in Moscow i,m planning to go to the Russian Legion field. i,l be in moscow between 7 and 14 of august i would like to know if there are fields in Tver and if some people wanne meet with me @ the field.

if people wanne add me on facebook here it is: http://www.facebook....david.klaassen1

oh and could some one tell me if there are any PB shops in moscow and give me an address?

oh and could some one tell me if there are any PBshops in moscow and give me a address?

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